Vaán ñeà vaên buùt vieät nam haûi ngoaïi
Söï quan taâm cuûa haàu heát vaên ngheä só Vieät Nam Haûi
Ngoaïi hieän nay laø söï khuûng hoaûng VBVNHN keùo daøi trong
nhieàu naêm vaø trong töông lai raát gaàn VBVNHN seõ bò loaïi
ra khoûi VBQT. Ñi tìm nguyeân nhaân cuûa taát caû söï thaát
baïi cuûa chuùng ta hôn 25 naêm löu vong laø söï maát ñoaøn
keát, chia beø keùo caùnh, tham danh, tham lôïi vaø voâ traùch
nhieäm cuûa moät soá ngöôøi luoân cho raèng mình laø trung
taâm cuûa vuõ truï. TBÑC khoâng ñöùng veà baát cöù moät
phe phaùi naøo maø chæ mong laøm trung gian ñeå haøn gaén laïi
nhöõng ñoå vôû neáu coù cuûa caùc thaønh vieân trong BCH
vaø caùc Trung Taâm VBVNHN. Chuùng toâi xin ñöôïc ñaêng taûi
laù thö cuûa oâng Ñaëng Vaên Nhaâm, chuû tòch BCHVBVNHN vaø
laù thö cuûa oâng Terry Carlbom, toång thö kyù vaên buùt Quoác
Teá ñeå hy voïng yù kieán oâng ñeán vôùi taát caû vaên
ngheä só. Chuùng toâi cuõng mong seõ nhaän ñöôïc yù kieán
cuûa taát caû quí vò coù traùch nhieäm trong BCHVBVNHN ñeå
tìm moät giaûi phaùp toát nhaát cöùu vaõng danh döï cho Trung
Minh Ñöùc Hoaøi Trinh
Purdy Str.
City CA 92655 USA
30.7.2000 toâi ñaõ coù thö ñeán baø ñeå phuùc ñaùp laù
thö cuûa baø ngaøy 17.7.2000, traû lôøi töøng ñieåm moät
nhöõng ñieàu baø neâu ra trong thö cuûa baø nhaèm traùnh
moät söï ngoài laïi vôùi nhau ñeå giaûi quyeát cuoäc khuûng
hoaûng trong Vaên Buùt Vieät Nam Haûi Ngoaïi. Töø ñoù ñeán
nay, toâi chöa nhaän ñöôïc moät laù thö naøo khaùc töø
baø, chæ ñöôïc bieát laø baø ñaõ coù vaên thö cho oâng
toång thö kyù Terry Carlbom cuûa Vaên Buùt Quoác Teá xin
ñöôïc baàu baèng thö.
vaên thö oâng Carlbom traû lôøi baø ñeà ngaøy 7.9.2000, maø
oâng ta ñaõ coù nhaõ yù göûi cho toâi moät phoù baûn, toâi
môùi ñöôïc bieát laø phe baø laïi saép söûa coù moät
Ñaïi Hoäi khaùc nöõa, khaùc vôùi "Ñaïi Hoäi
Florida" cuûa oâng Nguyeãn Ñöùc An, ñeå baàu laïi caùi
gì vaø ôû ñaâu, döïa treân Ñieàu Leä naøo thì ñeán oâng
Carlbom, ngöôøi nhaän ñöôïc thö baø, cuõng muø tòt. Baèng
chöùng laø nhöõng caâu trong thö cuûa oâng Carlbom nhö:
"May I now ask when your organisation foresees that your next
Convention will take place? Has a time and place for your next
Convention been fixed already, and if so, when and where? Has it been
discussed or decided on already at your last Convention? Who has the
authority to convene this meeting?" Bao nhieâu caâu hoûi chính
ñaùng maø khoâng nhöõng Vaên Buùt Quoác Teá (qua oâng
Carlbom) muoán ñöôïc bieát maø toâi chaéc chaén haàu heát
moïi ngöôøi nhö toâi—trong Vaên Buùt Vieät Nam Haûi Ngoaïi—cuõng
noùng loøng muoán ñöôïc bieát!
nhö baàu baèng thö baûo ñaûm qua böu ñieän thì cuõng xin
baø vui loøng cho bieát laø Ñieàu Leä naøo cuûa Vaên Buùt
Vieät Nam Haûi Ngoaïi cho pheùp ta laøm chuyeän naøy? Hay ñoù
chæ laø yù kieán cuûa oâng Sôn Tuøng ngaøy tröôùc vaø cuûa
oâng Nguyeãn Ñöùc An môùi ñaây roài baø töï yù xem laø
coù theå aùp ñaët leân treân caû Ñieàu Leä cuûa VBVNHN?
Chính nhöõng thaéc maéc naøy ñaõ laøm khoå taâm khoâng
bieát bao ngöôøi coù thieän chí trong VBVNHN cuûa chuùng ta,
vì hoï khoâng coøn bieát ñöôøng naøo maø laàn cho ra
ñöôïc manh moái cuûa nhöõng ñeà nghò hay haønh ñoäng maø
phe baø cöù töï yù tieán haønh. Vaäy xin baø sôùm cho bieát
yù kieán.
Vaên Nhaâm
kính gôûi:
OÂng Toång Thö Kyù VBQT Terry Carlbom (vôùi baûn dòch)
Ban chaáp haønh caùc Trung Taâm VBVNHN ñeå kính töôøng
Minh Duc Hoai Trinh
Writers Abroad
Purdy Streci Midways City,
92655 - USA
Dang Van Nham
150 – DK
Tåstrup Denmark
to M. Tran Thanh Hiep
Rue de la Grange aux Belles
Paris - France
2, 2000
Mrs. Minh Duc Hoai Trinh and Mr. Dang Van Nham,
you Mrs. Minh Duc Hoai Trinh for the details in letter of Sept 23. I
note the dates you mention - a Convention planned for March 2002, and
the Meeting proposed for Nov 25, 2000. My thanks also to Mr. Dang Van
Nham for letter of Sept 22 with comments.
have now received news that the Philippine Centre considers itself
unable to go ahead with the International PEN Congress of 2001, intended
to take place in Manila. We are now approaching the other Centres in the
Pacifle Rim area to try to locate a new venue for next years Congress.
We have indications this might be successful, but it would probably mean
that the Congress will not take place in March-early April, but later
on, maybe June-July. This actualiv can give us slightly more time to
settle the maybe complicated process of reunifiéation ahead of us.
begin with, the cail for a Meeting already for November this year seems
premature from my point of view. Although I appreciate your intentions,
I would first now like to clarify even more details.
‚postal balloting‘ is not mentioned in existing „Rules" of
your organisation, I think we have to consider ourselves in the
situation of convening a „Constitutional Convention".
purpose of this Convention is to seleet the constitutional rules this
assembly wants to be governed by in the future. In order to convene this
Constitutional Convention, we must first establish who the voters are.
Secondly, each legitimate voter must be given an equal and fair chance
of participating. Thirdly, the altematives the voters are asked to
choose between must be clear and simple.
we take into consideration that the electorate in this case has a vast
geographical spread, the only technique possible seems to be by postal
understand the Resolution of the General Assembly of International PEN
gives me the mandate to pursue this line of procedure. But I want to
stress that in doing so I wish to be guided by your advice. At the same
time, I do not feel that lack of participation, or undue delays in
cooperation, should be allowed to bring the foreseen process to a halt.
lt is my intention to get the Vietnam Writers Abroad Centre back on
track in a decisive manner.
concrete question pertains to the establishment of the basic membership
numbers. These numbers will obviously have changed since the fraetional
split, and I expeet that new members have been taken on in all parties.
Other chapters have undertone change, or maybe even ceased to exist. lt
is thus necessary - hopefully with a minimum of arbitrariness - to
decide where we place the basic counting line.
after the Centre was fonnally declared dormant, the London Office
decided that it could not accept international dues offered from the
Vietnamese Writers Abroad, as this might have been taken for a
recognition which would have been inappropriate. But I suppose the
various Chapters themselves have had a membership fee? Could we define
the line by saying that only Members of Chapters that have paid their
individual dues in full for the calendar years of 1998 and 1999 will be
recognised as legitimate member-voters?
so, I propose that the count of the electorate for what I will call the
Re-establishing Constitutional Convention (RCC) be set at registeret
Members in any Chapter as per January I st 1999.
would now like all parties involved to present their inventory list of
Members as per Jan I st 1999. I am kindly requesting that lists
containing the narne and address of cach Member - in order to prepare
ballot papers and mailings - be prepared and submitted to the
International Secretariat. I propose that the closing date for
submission of these list be set to Wednesday November I st, 5 p.m.
London time.
October, I expect to be in further dialogue with all parties on the
questions to be addressed in the forthcorffing ballot. Your comments are
PEN - 9110 Charterhouse Buildings, Gosweil Road - LONDON ECIM 7AT -
0171-2934308 - Fax: 0171-2533711 - e-mail: -
Website: http:/